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文法講座  > 文法講座九:連接詞「除非」unless

  1. 連接詞 unless 意指「除非」,意思和連接詞「except if」及「if not」相同,但不需搭配假設語法。連接兩句時:句子1 + unless + 句子2,意味著若「句子2」不成立時,就會發生「句子1」這種狀況。 
  2. 連接詞 unless 遇到 「未來時間」,unless後方動詞需改用「現在式」。其他遇 「未來時間」,後方動詞需改用「現在式」的連接詞有:when、before、after、if、until。
  3. 連接詞 unless 放句首時,需打逗點。  

We will go on a picnic at the Central Park if it  doesn't rain tomorrow.
We will go on a picnic at the Central Park unless it rains tomorrow.
Unless it rains tomorrow , we will go on a picnic at the Central Park. 
I will leave without you unless you are ready in five minutes.
Unless you are ready in five minutes, I will leave  without you.
If you  aren't  ready in five minutes, I will leave without you. 
A. I won't go to Justin Bieber's concert unless Lucy will want to.
B. We can sit in the front row unless you don't want to sit at the back.
C. Susan will put on weight unless she eats high-calorie food.
D. Unless someone has a better idea, we can go to a movie.
答案: D

■ 連接詞 unless 遇到未來式 won't go,unless 後方句中動詞需改用「現在式」,故 A 選項正確寫法為:
I won't go to Justin Bieber’s concert unless Lucy wants to.
除非 Lucy 想去聽小賈斯汀的演唱會,不然我是不會去的。

■ 連接詞 unless 意指「if not」。
B 選項 = We can sit in the front row if you want to sit at the back.
若你想坐後面的話,我們可坐前排 ( 文意不通 ),應改成:
We can sit in the front row if you don't want to sit at the back. 或
We can sit in the front row unless you want to sit at the back.

■ 連接詞 unless 意指「if not」。
C 選項 = Susan will put on weight if she doesn't eat high-calorie food.
若 Susan 不吃高卡路里的食物,她就會變胖( 文意不通 ),故應改成:
Susan won't put on weight if she  doesn't  eat high-calorie food. 或
Susan won't put on weight unless she eats high-calorie food.
除非 Susan 吃了高卡路里的食物,不然她是不會變胖的。

■ 連接詞 unless 意指「if not」;D 選項中的someone 改成否定時便成 not anyone (沒有任何一個,即 no one )。
D 選項 = If no one has a better idea, we can go to a movie. ( 文意通順 )
除非有人有更好的提議,不然我們就去看電影吧。D 為正解。

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